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A compact golfing device to help you go from bogey to birdie in your backyard. 

Conrad Engelbrecht came to us with an old homemade golfing device that he had found in his father-in-law's golf bag in the attic. A golf ball attached with string to a metal stake. Conrad and his son had such a wonderful time hitting the ball around their backyard, that he thought he should develop the design and take it to market. 

The idea is simple, yet easy and fun to use, compact and affordable. Rather than spending the time or money going down to the driving range, you can set up the Golf BOAR (Ball On A Rope) in your backyard. You may hit the ball in any direction, with any club, and the ball will stay within string's length. 

MWDesign had a great time working with Conrad, sketching and rendering out new forms for the main body, designing a new and unobtrusive method of embedding the string into the golf ball to ensure it would feel the same when hit and would not damage the face of an expensive golf club!

We designed a removeable stake to make the device more compact to be able to fit in your golf bag or take it with you on holiday. We incorporated a ball clip and string wrap design with smooth pivoting stake, to allow the string to unravel easily when setting up your Golf BOAR, yet keeping everything tidy and tangle-free when packed away. 

MWDesign and Conrad explored many concepts and produced many prototypes to test the strength, function and durability of the design. We even incorporated UV and water-resistant string to allow you to leave your Golf BOAR set up on your lawn to use anytime you need. We then designed and developed a logo and brand for the Golf BOAR, as well as website and assets for Kickstarter. 

Golf BOAR has just been launched on Kickstarter, a crowd-funding campaign. Please help Conrad and show your support by pre-ordering a Golf BOAR and helping him get it to market! 

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