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Fusion a boot that delivers waterproof comfort, protection and support. 

MWDesign were engaged to help develop the four Fusion boots, lace up, slip on, steel cap and standard toe. We helped Earthwalk work through the design process into production.

A boot that works hard as you work hard.
Earthwalk develop hard working apparel, designed and tested in the environment it is to be used. Collaboration is easy enough when your in the same room, or even in the same town. But with 387 km between us be best you can say is that we were in the same island.

Over the months MWDesign was engaged to work on the Fusion boots, Mickey made us feel like part of the team.

Mickey Turner is one of the new breed of young kiwi entrepreneurs. After traveling the world on a some what extended OE, he returned to New Zealand with more than his fair share of blisters, thanks to a string of knackered boots purchased everywhere from the Swiss Alps to Western Australia.

The Fusion boot is the culmination of years of experience and user based research from forestry workers, trampers and truck drivers. Of course the Fusion Boot had to offer waterproof comfort, warmth, protection, support.

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